TRUSTED suppliers of quality car registration numbers since 2002
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Looking for a personalised number plate? Search our database of 68,730,571 plates.
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Personalised Plates From Platinum Plates
With Personalised plates, ranging from £25 to several £100,000’s, we have Personalised number plates to suit all budgets. Our database is constantly updated with approximately 60 Million combinations of private number plates available. Private number plates are a great way to stand out from the crowd, whatever vehicle it’s for, car, van, lorry or motorbike.
It’s easy to search our site for your ideal personalised number plates, you can use our search box above to search the millions of private number plate, currently available and buy online! We’re also at the end of the phone if you need a helping hand and are more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect combination of private number plate.
Personalised registration numbers compliment vehicles and can be used to reflect: names, initials, hobbies, businesses, football teams cars, or anything personal to you or your family. We regularly have grandparents wanting initials to reflect each of their grandchildren.
We are well versed in dealing with the DVLA transfer process, and are more than happy to assist you in this regard. Unlike many of the other companies we don’t charge extra for handling the transfer process on you behalf, and is just part of the professional service we offer to all our customers
You're in safe hands
Platinum Plates Are an Independent Family Business That Have Been Trading for Over 20 Years
Our small but experienced team are committed to delivering a hassle free service to both our buyers and sellers. As a small company the directors are aware of every transaction and are involved in ensuring a smooth & personal experience for all our customers.
We are members of the Institute of Registration Agents and Dealers (M.I.R.A.D) and The Cherished Number Guild. So you can be assured you are in safe hands when buying or selling personalised registration numbers through us.
Private Number Plates Make Great Gifts
Struggling to find a gift for someone who has everything? Private number plates make the perfect present and are also a great investment.
We specialise in providing private registration numbers, also known as cherished number plates, as thoughtful gifts. Over the years, our customers have purchased plates for practically every occasion. We can provide the physical number plates along with the official DVLA Certificate of registration rights. Many customers choose to present these documents inside a gift card, adding a personal touch to this unique gift.
Have a Registration Number to Sell?
If you own a personalised registration number and are considering selling it, we offer a free, no-obligation valuation. If it’s a registration number you’ve held for some time, it’s quite likely it could have increased in value.
We are particularly interested in purchasing some cherished number plates outright for our stock, especially older, shorter numbers. For most other numbers, we would be happy to assist you in selling them on a commission basis. If you have any questions, our highly professional team of experts is always here to help.
Looking for Some Suggestions?
Whether you’re a football fan, a car enthusiast, or want something more personal, we’ve got the perfect personalised number plate for you. Explore our suggestions today and find the ideal plate that suits your style!
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It All Starts with a Search
Looking for a personalised number plate? Search our database of 68,730,571 plates.
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This November marks the exciting release of the new ‘25’ registration plates, a highly anticipated event in the personalised number
Your car isn’t just a means of getting from A to B; it’s an extension of your personality, a statement
When it comes to selling your vehicle, ensuring you retain entitlement to your personalised registration number is crucial. In the
Transferring private number plates, also known as personalised plates, is a common practice among vehicle owners in the United Kingdom.
Do you want to have personalised registration number plates? And, looking to use a number plate on your vehicle to
Earlier, cherished number plates were employed as common number plates by the old vehicle’s owner till 1990 throughout the Uk.